For over two decades, the tech industry has championed the philosophy of building and shipping fast. The mantra has been clear: get to market quickly to gain a competitive edge. However, with the rapid advancements in AI and its capabilities, the landscape is changing. Producing more code, apps, and innovations at a breakneck speed is no longer a unique competitive advantage.
This is also observed in hackathons, in which many projects end up in a pile of trash due to poorly written code and lack of maintainability. These projects often produce half-working products that are hard to run and lack proper documentation.

Blueprint-First Development

Imagine a new approach where the emphasis shifts from speed to comprehensive planning, modularity, and transparency. Instead of rushing to market, entrepreneurs would thoroughly describe their product, including technical details, target audiences, and market analysis, before starting development. This philosophy leverages AI to assist in creating a detailed and public product blueprint, which can be iteratively refined with community feedback and support. The goal is to produce good documentation and a well-thought-out plan, rather than a hastily built product.

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